Monday, March 30, 2020

Teacher Talk Books - Should I Buy Them?

Teacher Talk Books - Should I Buy Them?Tutor Talk is the first of its kind in this sort of writing. It brings together the experiences of three tutor supervisors who were recruited from various schools.Teacher talk books might as well have been written by tutors. They come up with many interesting quotes and ideas and then quote them out of context, sometimes misquoting, in a very well disguised way. The quality of the ideas is highly debatable, and there are some ideas that some tutors' book does not live up to the hype. I am talking about teacher talk books.There are three in particular that I'm interested in discussing. I would like to take teacher books on the internet seriously, because I think they have the potential to really help teachers and their students. I'll make sure that they are worth reading in the following paragraphs.The first book is called 'Talking About Teaching: Challenging Teachers To Talk About Their Students'. This book presents in one volume every teacher t hat ever wrote a teacher talk book, with the 'Quotation' part edited out, in an effort to protect the author. This is a strange idea, and one that I can't quite understand.The second book is called 'The Missing Link'. This book is a collection of conversations that have occurred in online forums. The topics range from beginner's education to the current economic climate. If you want a book where the topics will be: politics, music, travel, religion, gay/lesbian issues, current events, technology, politics, ethics, sociology, entertainment, and so on, then this book is for you.The third book is called 'How To Be A Successful Tutor'. It includes many videos and pictures, and it is a collection of tutor talk. It takes the best parts of most good teacher talk books and combines them in a booklet. The reading, writing, and talking sections combine into a book that will offer you all the knowledge that you need to help you become a better tutor.I found these books to be interesting and th ought-provoking. There are some points that I don't agree with, but all in all I believe that they give some of the best tutorial out there.Let me know which book(s) you like best. Just think about it and you might find one. You should think about it if you want to get better at tutoring.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips on How Not to Catch a Cold!

5 Tips on How Not to Catch a Cold! Image from anyonecandecorate.blogspot.comCold Season 1. Cover your mouth/nose! It is important to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. These germs can spread super far and infect those around you! The common sneeze can travel an average of 40 meters and move between 95 and 630 mph! 2. Don’t share drinks and food. You might think that sharing drinks and food with your friends is harmless; however, you don’t know if they’re either sick or carrying something you don’t want to get. The human mouth has over 600 types of bacteria in it; do you want your friend’s bacteria in your mouth? 3. Wash your hands! Washing your hands almost becomes an instinct when you’re younger; however, it can often get pushed to the back burner. There is not a better way to prevent the spread of germs!   The Center for Disease Control website  provides a complete list of times when hand washing is needed. 4. Stay up to date with your flu shots! Everybody hates needles and shots, but flu shots have proven to be very important over the last decade. A recent study estimated between 20,000 and 37,000 annual deaths in the United States are associated with the flu. 5.   Take care of your body by getting plenty of exercise and sleep. These two activities keep your body functioning at an A+ level. With the recommended amount of sleep (usually 7-9 hours) and exercise (at least 30 minutes three times a week) your body can keep healthy so that you can fight off this season’s colds. So until next time, take advantage of these tips and fend off the sniffles this year!

Some Things to Consider When Choosing a Tutor

Some Things to Consider When Choosing a TutorIf you are having trouble with your high school or college education, consider seeking out a quality tutor San Antonio TX. A variety of services exist and should be thoroughly explored before entering into a tutoring contract with a teacher of repute.First, it is important to understand why you have trouble in your classes and what caused the difficulty. Be prepared to identify each part of the lesson that was problematic and also identify what worked best to solve the problem.A tutor will walk you through what you need to do in each lesson and how to approach the various situations. It is necessary to understand the lesson plan. If you are unfamiliar with a course, a tutor can assist you with this.The memory of a teacher's memory plays a vital role in learning. You may be able to save time by reviewing assignments or lectures from other students who have previously done well on the course.A tutor can help you practice your lessons with a group or individual. You can also work independently if you have some experience. A tutor San Antonio TX can evaluate your skills and recommends that course work to focus on.Ensure that a tutor has done a thorough review of your strengths and weaknesses. If you have made a commitment to a particular course, consider consulting a tutor San Antonio TX for assistance with your classes.In any situation, a tutor can improve your grades or make your college-level work easier. Consider using a tutor San Antonio TX for help with your college and high school lessons. The use of a tutor can help you become a more confident student, increase your productivity and also make you more competitive.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Benefits Of Green Stone Tutoring

The Benefits Of Green Stone TutoringThere are a lot of people out there that are interested in learning more about green stone tutoring. There are numerous places on the internet that are all well-stocked with information. Green stone is one of the most widely used material for many reasons, but it is also becoming an important educational material in schools around the world.It is one of the most commonly used materials in many classrooms around the world because of how well it is able to teach. It is based upon a concept which originated in ancient times. It has been used since ancient times to help teach children various skills and also to help develop moral character. The green stone material teaches various subjects including math, reading, writing, science, language and many other subjects.Some of the main functions of green stone include developing clear reading eyes and developing concentration. The material helps in teaching children to focus and observe more details than th ey usually would. By providing details that a child would normally miss in a classroom setting, green stone tutoring can greatly benefit them in the long run.The stones work very well in teaching people different concepts. It helps them to develop their senses and with it they develop the ability to learn new concepts and learn to remember things better. Many people that have had green stone for many years have reported that it has helped them to learn a new concept that they would not have otherwise learned through books.These stones have also been found to work well in helping students to learn how to comprehend what they are being taught in large percentages of the cases. They are able to do this because of the way the stones work. These stones are made up of various chemicals which allow them to absorb what they are being taught and then add to it by making the colors more vibrant and more appealing.Some of the materials that have been used to make stones that have been used for green stone tutoring are limestone, oyster shell, calcite, eclogite, malachite, almandine green glass, apatite and much more. The materials were once ground up and used for medicinal purposes before being changed to use as a teaching aid.Green stone tutoring has been effective in giving students a higher grade in all areas in which they were tested. This has been made possible through the different stone shapes that were used in the materials. All of these stone shapes are well-known for making something that works well for a student to see.

Getting Started with Portraiture

Getting Started with Portraiture How Do You Draw a Face? ChaptersWhat Are the Characteristics of a Portrait?Tools for Drawing a PortraitDrawing Construction Lines for the FaceDrawing the Main Facial FeaturesLearning to Draw HairThe Background of a PortraitTwo More Techniques for Drawing a PortraitLearning to Draw Faces“A good sketch is better than a long speech” - Napoleon BonaparteYou can say a lot through a drawing. It doesn’t matter what language you speak, just take a look at the Mona Lisa and you’re bound to feel something. This is why an increasing number of people are learning to draw. A lot of Brits enjoy creative hobbies.So, with that in mind, here’s how you can learn to draw a portrait. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Are the Characteristics of a Portrait?Whether it’s a painting or a photograph, a portrait is defined as “a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person, especially one depicting only the face or head and shoulders.”.We tend to think that a portrait is just a simple drawing of a face. However, a portrait can go beyond the head. If could be from head to foot or just the head and shoulders.Portraits can be notoriously difficult to get right. (Source: fxxu)Each artist can decide how they want to draw their portrait.  A portrait is a person on their own. Otherwise, it’s a group portrait.A portrait doesn’t even need to be head-on, however. While a front view is the most common type of port rait, the subject’s head can be turned away from the artist or even a side view of the subject. In this case, you'll need to pay particular attention to the face shape, the bridge of the nose, the upper lip, the eyebrow, and facial features that you'd usually draw differently.In any case, a portrait needs to represent the subject’s physical traits. Portraiture can also represent a person’s profession, etc. The goal is to better understand the subject through the piece.  Of course, if you want to do a portrait, you need to learn how to draw a face, how to shade it with a graphite pencil, and how to make it expressive.Learn how to draw manga.Tools for Drawing a PortraitTo start drawing portraits, you’ll have to first choose somebody to draw. It's not easy learning how to draw faces or capture somebody's likeness in your sketchbook. However, you don’t need to draw somebody in front of you to do a nice portrait. You might want to avoid this if you’re just getting started.The easiest way for a beginner to start drawing portraits is from photos. You can draw a portrait of a stranger or use a photo of somebody you know.  I recommend starting with black and white portraits to bet understand light and shadow. It’s a useful exercise in understanding depth.Once you’ve chosen your model, you need to choose the technique and medium. If you start with a black and white portrait, you can opt for graphite, charcoal, or pens, which can be good for portraiture.You’ll just need a sheet of paper. The sheet of paper needs to be quite thick so that it doesn’t crease when you use a rubber. However, you can always grab some printer paper if you’re on a budget or just getting started.If you’d like to do a colour portrait, you have a few options. Coloured pencils, markers, acrylics, gouache, watercolours, oil paint, etc.  If you’ve opted for oil paint, you'll need a canvas. When it comes to watercolours, there’s special paper you can get. Each artist needs t o choose before they draw their portrait.Find out more about how to draw anime and manga.Drawing Construction Lines for the FaceOnce you’re sitting comfortably with your art supplies, you can start by drawing a circle, then drawing intersecting curved vertical and horizontal lines to turn it into a sphere.You can check for good drawing classes here.Before you try and do anything, you should start with construction lines. (Source: Marty-arts)The horizontal line will half the sphere, like the equator on the earth. The second line will also cut the sphere in half. These lines will help you correctly position the facial features.  The eyes sit just above the horizontal line and the nose and mouth will sit on the vertical line.You can alter the positions of the lines (while always ensuring they divide the sphere into two equal parts) to change the orientation of the head.  Of course, a face isn’t a perfect sphere. Once you’ve placed the facial features, you can start by creating th e jawline.  This will work for most portraits and you can also use this technique to draw your own characters.Find out how to make your own comic. FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDrawing the Main Facial FeaturesNow that you’ve got your construction lines, you can draw the outline of your model’s face before adding the features (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.).You can then do your subject’s jawline. The hairline is also important because you’re going to have to go back over it once you add the hair.Ensure you practise as often as you can. (Source: pixel2013)Once you’ve got the outline drawn, place the ears just above the horizontal line. Pay particular attention to the space between the eyes. Carefully look at your model to get the proportions right. There is no one-size-fits-all mathematical rule for faces. Each face is different, after all.Once you’ve got the eyes, you can add the eyebrows, eyelids, and pupils. Keep in mind that a face will never have perfect symmetry. Ensure that each detail is as realistic as possible. Details can change everything (beauty spots, scarring, etc.).Move onto the nose and then the mouth. The latter needs to be about halfway between the horizontal line and the bottom of the jawline.Start by placing the ears at the same level as the eyes. You might need to practise how to draw eyes, eyelashes, the eyelid, and the human head in general before yo u start. Human faces are notoriously difficult to get right and you might want to use construction lines rather than doing it freehand.Learn how to create a caricature.Learning to Draw HairFor the next step, you’ll need to add hair to your sketch. Hair is an important part of a portrait but it’s difficult to draw. You need to work out where the hair starts on the forehead so that you can set the limits.You can then draw the outline of all their hair and don’t hesitate to add some movement. Trace a few lines and defining features of the hair but don’t overdo the hair else you'll be closer to drawing a caricature than being a portrait artist.Practising how to draw hair is particularly difficult and private art lessons could help you draw it.The Background of a PortraitTo finish off your portrait, you’ll need to add a background. It could be in the countryside or a town. It could also be basic shapes, animals, or whatever.The background can add important information about you r subject. It could represent their loves, hobbies, etc.Two More Techniques for Drawing a PortraitWhile we’ve gone through the basics of drawing a portrait, these aren’t the only techniques you need to use.You can also draw on grid lines. This technique involves drawing lines on the source photo and then replicating these lines on your blank sheet of paper. The grid lines will help you faithfully position parts of the drawing. This is also useful if you’re changing the scale.You can always draw portraits of multiple people. (Source: OpenClipart-Vectors)Some artists prefer to draw their portraits with no grid lines or construction lines. These artists can do this from feeling alone and replicate a face just as it appears in the photo. You can start with just an eye, then align the second, sketch the nose, mouth, and the outline of the face.There are no rules. Just trust yourself and practise regularly.Learning to Draw FacesThere are several ways to learn the fundamentals of dra wing and you can always teach yourself. Get a lot of source material and practise regularly to get better.  You can also attend an art school, art workshops, or hire a private art teacher. No matter how you choose to do it, drawing has to be enjoyable first and foremost.If you want to learn how to draw people, how to sketch simple shapes, how to draw an eye or do a quick pencil portrait, you can always get in touch with one of the many talented private tutors on Superprof!There are three main types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials, and each comes with its pros and cons in terms of learning and cost-effectiveness.Face-to-face tutorials are taught with one student and one tutor and they tend to be the most cost-effective type since every minute in the lesson is spent focusing on you as the student.Online tutorials are similar to the face-to-face tutorials but take place either on a call or via webcam. Online tutorials are usually ch eaper than face-to-face tutorials.Finally, group tutorials are classes with one teacher or tutor and multiple students and these tend to be the cheapest per student per hour.

Top 5 Italian Travel Blogs to Read Before You Visit Abroad

Top 5 Italian Travel Blogs to Read Before You Visit Abroad Brooke Neuman Photo via Girl in Florence Have you been taking Italian language lessons for your upcoming trip to Italy? While it’s important to familiarize yourself with useful Italian phrases, it’s just as equally important to brush up on Italian culture. After all, understanding both the language and culture will make your trip even more enjoyable. Luckily, there are hundreds of blogs that dish out helpful travel, language, and cultural tidbits no travel book would reveal from where to find the best pizza to the proper Italian etiquette. Here’s a list of our favorite Italian travel blogs that will help you effortlessly navigate throughout Italy. My Melange My Melange is the brainchild of European travel consultant and owner of Melange Travel, Robin Locker Lacey. My Melange is the go-to resource for all things Italian. The blog offers up tips on planning your dream vacation on a budget as well as advice on where to dine, stay, and eat while in Italy. Check out this awesome post about “What to Expect From Visiting a Bar in Italy and Popular Coffee Drinks.” Italy Chronicles Italy Chronicles covers everything from Italian food and drink to politics. The website’s “How-To” and “Travel” sections are where you’ll likely find the most valuable information, including helpful advice that you might have never thought of like where to find postage stamps or how to flush a toilet (there are nine ways!). Read the fun post  here. Girl in Florence If you’re heading to the popular city of Florence, then you’ve got to check out Girl in Florence. Author Georgette, an American living in Florence, shares her best kept travel secrets and tips. From proper dress attire to language tips, you’ll be feeling like a native Italian in no time. Here’s a great post about “10 Mistakes That Expats in Italy Make.” Walks of Italy Walks of Italy helps travelers experience only the best that Italy has to offer. The blog shares a wide range of travel tips including useful Italian phrases travelers need to know, advice on driving throughout Italy, and major holiday traditions. We especially love this post on “The Best Travel Apps to Use in Italy.” Margie in Italy Author of  Memoirs of a Solo Traveler-My Love Affair with Italy, Margie Miklas is the mind behind the blog Margie in Italy. In the blog, Margie shares her expert advice on how to travel throughout the various regions in Italy such as the Amalfi Coast and Verona. The blog also features guest posts from other travel experts. Check out her post on “Travel Tips for Visiting the Amalfi Coast in Italy.” In addition to taking Italian lessons, it’s also a good idea to brush up on Italian culture and customs before your trip. These are just a few of the resources in which you can go to learn all things Italian. Happy travels! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How to Perfect Technical Drawing

How to Perfect Technical Drawing What's the Difference Between Technical Drawings Artistic Drawing? ChaptersWhat is Technical Drawing?The Different Types of Technical IllustrationWhat Standards are Expected of Technical Illustrators?Where Can Technical Drawing Get You a Job?Technical drawing has no artistic connotations, however, it requires the ‘artist’ to have fantastic graphical representation skills.Technical artists are essential to the engineering industry.What sort of tasks do they have to complete?What qualities and drawing skills are required?What makes technical drawing different from any other type of drawing?Explore the many sides to this profession, which focuses on putting concepts onto paper with a view to have products made.As a profession, technical drawing is dominated by men, with women accounting for just 23% of employees.Let’s have a look at this lesser-known drawing technique.indispensable type of drawing which has been rapidly developing since the beginning of industrialisation.So, what is the best part of the technical drawing profession? It gives you the skills to work in a wide variety of sectors.Interested in Starting artistic classes after reading this blog? Find drawing lessons for beginners with Superprof. Why not offer drawing lessons for kids to inspire them and set them on a future career path?