Monday, March 30, 2020

Teacher Talk Books - Should I Buy Them?

Teacher Talk Books - Should I Buy Them?Tutor Talk is the first of its kind in this sort of writing. It brings together the experiences of three tutor supervisors who were recruited from various schools.Teacher talk books might as well have been written by tutors. They come up with many interesting quotes and ideas and then quote them out of context, sometimes misquoting, in a very well disguised way. The quality of the ideas is highly debatable, and there are some ideas that some tutors' book does not live up to the hype. I am talking about teacher talk books.There are three in particular that I'm interested in discussing. I would like to take teacher books on the internet seriously, because I think they have the potential to really help teachers and their students. I'll make sure that they are worth reading in the following paragraphs.The first book is called 'Talking About Teaching: Challenging Teachers To Talk About Their Students'. This book presents in one volume every teacher t hat ever wrote a teacher talk book, with the 'Quotation' part edited out, in an effort to protect the author. This is a strange idea, and one that I can't quite understand.The second book is called 'The Missing Link'. This book is a collection of conversations that have occurred in online forums. The topics range from beginner's education to the current economic climate. If you want a book where the topics will be: politics, music, travel, religion, gay/lesbian issues, current events, technology, politics, ethics, sociology, entertainment, and so on, then this book is for you.The third book is called 'How To Be A Successful Tutor'. It includes many videos and pictures, and it is a collection of tutor talk. It takes the best parts of most good teacher talk books and combines them in a booklet. The reading, writing, and talking sections combine into a book that will offer you all the knowledge that you need to help you become a better tutor.I found these books to be interesting and th ought-provoking. There are some points that I don't agree with, but all in all I believe that they give some of the best tutorial out there.Let me know which book(s) you like best. Just think about it and you might find one. You should think about it if you want to get better at tutoring.

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